Karoline Bröckel
drawings - January 27 until March 03, 2007
Karoline Broeckel draws movements that are surrounding her in her daily life.
Whilst following the flight of a swallow in the sky with her eyes, her hand draws a line on a sheet of paper. Raindrops spattering, snow flakes sinking softly to the ground are marked in the same way. She even follows with a pencil the shadows of moving leafs or branches.
Within my drawings I am making dynamics visible.
I am a specially interested in non-linear dynamics, like an unforeseeable movement
of a swallow or a snowflake. That is how I transform movements that surround me
in my daily life, in film or in music. (Karoline Bröckel, 2005)
Karoline Broeckel was born in Tuebingen, Germany in 1964. She lives and works near by Munich, Germany. In her first gallery show she shows drawings of the last two years in different formats (12,4x20,8cm till 110x148cm).